Yr 5 Greek Day

On Thursday 18th April 2024, in connection with our history topic, we have arranged for your
children to participate in a “Life in Ancient Greece Day” conducted by ‘History off the Page’.
Their aim is to give children a rich, detailed experience through personal involvement and hands-on
activity and enable them to absorb a wide variety of facts and skills which will remain in the memory
and encourage further exploration. At the end of the day pupils will take home anything they have
A simple costume will help your child feel part of the day. Rich people wore colourful clothes and
fine jewellery, the most expensive colour being purple. Poorer Athenians wore rough, undyed wool.
Braid was often used for decoration or as a formal border. The simplest costume would be a large
plain t-shirt with a belt or cord tie, long for girls, shorter for boys. You may wish to add a Himation,
(a rectangle of coloured cloth fastened with a brooch or button on the left shoulders).
The cost per child will be £8.75, which includes the History off the Page fees, materials and food
tasting costs for the day and has also been subsidised by the funds raised by year 5 Cookie Sale.
Parental consent and payment is now requested using the School Gateway
(www.schoolgateway.com). This needs to be completed by Thursday 28th March.
Payment for activities taking place during the school day are considered a voluntary contribution,
however, we must emphasise that if all parents do not contribute this amount, the trip may not be
able to go ahead. In cases of financial difficulty, please contact Mrs Wheeler to discuss payments
We also need a number of adult helpers, ideally 10, so if you are able to assist on the day,
morning, afternoon or both, please come and speak directly to us.