
Owls Club

We cater for children from Reception to Year 6 every afternoon between 3:15pm and 6pm (except on the last day of term when the school closes at 1:30pm). For children already registered with Owls Club there is limited capacity for additional short-notice flexi places. These can be booked subject to availability, via the school office by 2pm or in advance by emailing

We have three areas that Owls Club runs from, depending on the age of your child.

  • KS2 uses the dining room, KS2 main hall, playgrounds, and field.
  • KS1 uses the dining room, KS1 main hall, playground, and field.
  • EYFS uses the two reception classes, EYs library, and outside area.

We provide a light tea for all children at Owls between 4-5pm.You can find a copy of our menu below. Within each day’s menu there will be some choice and children will be able to express some preferences (likes / dislikes). Any allergies or intolerances will be catered for, in discussion with parents. 

We have created a document containing a list of frequently asked questions and answers to help you find any other information you may need (see below). If you can't find the answer to your questions, please email the Owls Manger via

Below you will find the links to some useful documents you may need for Owls Club.

  • Owls Club expression of interest - Please complete this and return to us if you would like to register your interest in Owls Club.
  • Change of Details - For registered parents to change any contact information with Owls Club
  • Booking and payment agreement - This document covers everything you need to know about cancellations, payments, charges, invoicing, and flexi spaces.
  • Early years foundation stage Key Worker approach. -  In Reception Owls, we use the Key Worker approach to help your children feel individual, cherished, and cared for while they are away from home. This approach means that there is one named member of staff to act as the main point of contact for you and your child. 


Page Downloads Date  
Booking and Payment Agreement Revised September 2023 01st Sep 2023 Download
Contact details update 19th Apr 2022 Download
Key worker approach 19th Apr 2022 Download
Owls Club Expression of interest form v3 19th Apr 2022 Download
Owls Club Payment Schedule 2023-2024 01st Sep 2023 Download
Owls Club Tea Menu 2022 19th Apr 2022 Download
Owls questions and answers 19th Apr 2022 Download
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